亚太经合组织(APEC)第二十七次领导人非正式会议定于20日以视频方式举行。此次会议的主题是“激发人民潜能,共享繁荣未来”。 围绕这一主题,马来西亚设立了“促进贸易投资”“利用数字经济和科技加强经济包容性”“推进创新型可持续发展”等三个优先议题,旨在真正实现亚太地区包容性可持续经济增长和繁荣的基本目标。 Themed "Optimizing Human Potential for a Future of Shared Prosperity", this year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting is set to open in Malaysia on Friday. Its priority areas include trade and investment, digital economy, innovation, inclusiveness and sustainable development. "APEC 2020 is about resetting APEC's agenda and steering it back to its fundamental objective of achieving sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region that is truly inclusive," according to its official document released last December. 此次会议的另一个重点是启动2020年后合作愿景,它将代替于今年年底到期的“茂物目标”,并成为本地区在未来至少二十年时间里的长期战略规划。 1994年在印度尼西亚茂物举行的APEC领导人非正式会议上确立了发达经济体成员、发展中经济体成员分别在2010年、2020年实现贸易和投资自由化的“茂物目标”。 APEC在1989年成立之初就明确了自身的合作宗旨和目标,即倡导“亚太大家庭”精神,深化开放和伙伴精神,促进亚太地区的共同繁荣。 The incoming APEC meeting will also see the launch of the region's Post-2020 Vision – the key policy document that is set to replace the Bogor Goals, which reach maturity at the end of this year. The Bogor Goals, one of APEC's flagship initiatives, were released in 1994 for members to move towards the long-term goal of free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region no later than the year 2020. The APEC, Asia-Pacific's premier economic forum, was established in 1989 to leverage the region's growing interdependence. The bloc's 21 members aim to boost regional prosperity by promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secured growth and accelerating economic integration.
As APEC prepares to unveil new vision, what do experts expect?
就新冠肺炎疫情对亚太经济、数字经济以及中国在区域合作中的作用和影响等话题,CGTN采访了中国人民大学重阳金融研究院高级研究员何伟文和南开大学APEC研究中心主任刘晨阳。 CGTN spoke to He Weiwen, a senior research fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies in Renmin University of China, and Liu Chenyang, head of APEC Study Center of Tianjin-based Nankai University, for their insights on the impact of the epidemic on the Asia-Pacific economy, the digital economy as well as China's role in regional cooperation. CGTN: 与其他地区相比,您认为新冠肺炎疫情对APEC地区经济体的影响有多大?How hard do you think the epidemic's impact is on APEC economies, compared with other regions? 刘:疫情对全球贸易,尤其是价值链的影响肯定是普遍的。但因为亚太地区近四五十年来都是全球经济增长最具活力的地区,是全球价值链分布最为密集的地区,所以如果从这个角度来说,疫情对亚太地区的冲击确实更值得关注。 Liu: The pandemic's impact on trade and the value chain is absolutely universal. However, as Asia and the Pacific area has been the most dynamic region of global economic growth as well as the most densely distributed region of the global value chain, the influence on this area will be relatively large. 何:这次疫情对亚太的影响,相对来说比欧美的影响要小。主要原因是亚洲国家,特别是东亚,和欧美国家在抗疫管理的模式上有很大不同。亚洲国家这边比较主张的是集中力量办大事,而欧美国家比较注重自由。正因为已经控制得好,所以经济回升的也快。 He: The adverse effect of COVID-19 on the Asia-Pacific region is relatively smaller than that of Europe and the United States, mainly because Asian countries, especially east Asian countries, have concentrated on curbing the pandemic with overall arrangements nationwide while people in European and American regions value freedom more. The recovery of the economy in the region, as a result, is faster thanks to effective control and prevention measures. CGTN: 您对今年APEC 的主要议题之一数字经济有什么看法?What's your take on digitalization, one of the major topics for APEC 2020? 刘:数字经济已经从一个原来的单纯的新技术的应用,逐渐发展成对整个经济发展和新一轮全球产业革命的驱动力。 疫情发生之后,和数字经济相关的技术在多个方面,比如说电子商务、线上教育等,得到了前所未有的广泛应用,体现出这个数字经济未来发展巨大的空间和潜力。 APEC更多的是通过领导人会议从宏观层面对一些合作做出顶层设计,比如为数字经济构造良好的制度环境,发挥数字经济跨领域合作的特点等。 Liu: Digital technology has gradually developed into a driving force of the new round of the industrial revolution ... from a simple application of new technology. And the pandemic has made it more extensively applied than ever, such as in e-commerce and online education, implicating huge potential for development. The meeting this time is more likely to provide a top-level design of cooperation at a macro level, for instance, calling for offering a favorable institutional environment to give full play to the characteristics of cross-field cooperation in the digital economy. 何:亚太地区发展数字经济本身就有优势,因为数字经济的一个重要的基本条件,就是有足够多的人口,足够大的市场规模。但是我觉得传统经济和数字经济是同样重要的,因为它涉及的就业更多,比如餐饮服务行业。 我们不能简单把传统经济跟新经济作为一个新旧的对立,传统经济将永远存在,所以用数字经济改造升级传统经济,这个是应该比较理想的做法。 He: Asia-Pacific region has its own advantages in developing the digital economy as the basic conditions for the digital economy are enough people and a huge market. However, the traditional economy is as important as the digital economy because it involves more jobs and we should currently focus on all economic sectors, especially those sectors heavily hit by the pandemic, such as the catering and service industries. Also, the traditional economy cannot simply oppose digital technology. It will always exist and an ideal approach is to upgrade and transform traditional industry with digitalization. CGTN: 您如何看待APEC在未来的角色?How do you view APEC's role in the future? 何:这几年APEC的作用已经在逐渐减小,第一个原因在于它本身就是一个松散的组织,也没有一个常设的机构。第二个是它的范围太大,是跨太平洋了。像金砖国家范围也很大,就会缺少一个协调一致的共同利益。 还有一个很重要的原因是美国,因为APEC最早是1989年美国发起的,后来逐渐对此不感兴趣,所以APEC本身的实际成果实际上没有太多。相反,亚太地区的双边和多边自由贸易协定则纷纷涌现,例如以前由美国主导,现在由日本主导的CPTPP,以及新签署的RCEP。 今后,APEC仍应朝着加强投资和贸易合作,支持多边主义和自由化的方向发展。我们应该重视它,但是不用抱过高的期望。 He: The role of APEC has been gradually diminishing in recent years. On the one hand, it was a loose group from the beginning without a permanent establishment. On the other hand, its scope is too large, spanning the Pacific, and compared with the BRICS that are also not small in scope, it also lacks coordinated common interests. APEC's wane is also attributable to the United States. APEC was first proposed by the U.S. in 1989, but in recent years, the U.S. has shown less and less interest in it, coupled with the limited actual returns of APEC. On the contrary, bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region have sprung up, such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) previously dominated by the U.S. and now by Japan, as well as the newly signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). In the future, APEC should still move towards enhancing investment and trade cooperation and supporting multilateralism and liberalization. We should pay attention to it, but don't expect too much from it. 刘:APEC是非约束的论坛组织,有别于欧盟高度一体化的区域经济化组织。CPTPP和RCEP属于具有国际法律效力的自贸协定,跟APEC在性质上也是有很大差异的。而正因为如此,过去30年来,这一性质成为亚太区域合作总体上处于初级阶段的一个优势所在,它让数量众多、经济发展水平差异很大的21个成员国坐在一起谈合作。 尤其在当今逆全球化、贸易保护主义、新型地缘政治等不利于区域经济一体化的复杂环境下,APEC的弹性化显得更加难能可贵。 2020年后合作愿景将更加全面,不仅限于贸易和投资。我们仍然需要以更积极的态度看待APEC。 Liu: APEC is a non-binding forum, very different from the European Union, a highly integrated regional economic organization, and CPTPP or RCEP, free trade agreements with internationally binding rules. The development of APEC in the past three decades shows that it is APEC's "non-binding" status that allows its members with very different levels of economic development the freedom to discuss cooperation together. In particular, under the complex environment at present that is not conducive to regional economic integration, including rising anti-globalization, trade protectionism, and geopolitics, APEC's flexibility is even more commendable. The post-2020 vision is expected to be more comprehensive not only limited in trade and investment, and we still need to look at APEC from a more positive attitude. CGTN: 您如何看待中国在亚太地区合作中的作用?How do you see China's role in Asia-Pacific regional cooperation? 刘:中国是APEC最大的发展中国家成员,从1991年加入APEC之后,中国始终在发挥它应该发挥的作用。 APEC又是中国加入的第一个区域合作组织,为中国从改革开放到融入区域合作,特别是贸易投资合作、金融和技术合作,相当于打开了一扇门。未来,中国将以亚太经合组织为基础,促进人类共同发展的社区建设和开放的世界经济。尽管个别成员之间的博弈加剧,但亚太地区的合作领域正在扩大。RCEP的签署表明,亚太经济体实际上正在努力避免地缘政治等因素的影响,并愿意促进区域经济一体化与合作,这是一个良好的趋势,应该加强。 Liu: China is the largest developing economy in APEC, and has always played its due role since joining APEC in 1991, including hosting the leaders' meeting in 2001 and 2014. APEC is the first regional cooperation organization China joined, opening the door for China to stride from reform and opening up to integration into regional cooperation, especially in cooperation in trade and investment as well as finance and technology. In the future, China will promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and an open world economy based on APEC. Despite the intensifying game among individual members, the field of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region is broadening. The signing of RCEP demonstrated that economies in Asia-Pacific actually are trying to avoid the impact of such as geopolitics and willing to promote regional economic integration and cooperation, which is a good trend and needs to be strengthened.何:APEC 将使双循环经济受益。比如投资越来越多,中国可以获得更多低廉成本的优秀资源,对发展中国经济、扩大跟外部的投资贸易合作都非常正面。 需要强调的一点是,无论中国与美国的关系如何,经济、贸易和投资经济之间的合作都不应受到影响。不管APEC作用怎么样,中国应该坚定地支持APEC,并继续做出贡献。 He: APEC will benefit the dual circulation economy. For example, there will be more investment in China, and China can obtain better and more low-cost resources, which is very positive for the development of China's economy and the expansion of its investment and trade cooperation with external parties. One point to emphasize is that the cooperation between economies in economics, trade, and investment should not be affected no matter how China's relationship with the United States is. And regardless of the role of APEC, China should firmly support it and continues to make active contributions.